Sometimes things happen that are nothing short of tragic. They are unthinkable. They are unimaginable. They are horrifying. The very thought of them take our breath away. Yet they occur and people have to go through things that most of us can’t even bear the thought of.
Death is the ultimate fear to most of us. Not just death, but death of our loved ones. Death of our parents. Death of our spouse. Death of our children.
I’ve heard people say that they can handle anything except the death of their child. I have said it myself. I have known many people that have experienced this. I have seen firsthand the devastation that takes place in the lives of the parents who have buried their children. It is something that I don’t even like to think about. To me, it is the unthinkable.
Truth is, it happens every day. We just don’t have to face it every day because it doesn’t always touch our lives. We can distance ourselves from it when it doesn’t directly affect the piece of the world that we live in. But when it happens in your town - to people you know - the reality slaps you right in the face. The pain becomes evident. The hurting lives become real.
Psalm 46:1 says, “God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble.”
I can’t image a life without the presence of God. A life that doesn’t know a refuge named Jesus. I have no idea how anyone makes it through any type of trial without the safety and security of God’s arms. If I don’t know anything else but the amazing fact that God loves me, that is enough. The Lord is our comfort. He is our Peace. He is our hope. He loves us.
After church yesterday, my husband got a phone call. A young man that we have known for many years had just experienced the unthinkable. His precious little 19-month old baby boy was gone. An afternoon of family and fun outside took a sharp turn to tragedy in just a flash. Kids outside playing. Dad moving the truck around back to wash it. In one brief, unchangeable moment, lives were forever altered. A nightmare had begun. A nightmare that they won’t wake up from.
How do you console someone when there is no consolation? How do you tell a parent that they’ll get through this when they don’t want to get through it? How do you ever recover from this type of devastation? How do you go on?
Jesus. That’s how. He is the only way that anyone can make it through the tragic events that life throws at us. He is the one who can turn our sorrow into joy. He can comfort our souls. He can carry our burden. He give us hope. He gives us eternal life. He is the one who will reunite us with our loved ones in heaven.
I am asking for prayers to be lifted up for this precious family. Carl and Jessica will be doing the hardest thing in their lives tomorrow. They will bury their precious child. Please cry out on their behalf as well as for their families. There are hurting grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends. Please be in much prayer for my husband and the other pastor who will be doing the funeral together.
There is a need for a salvation in this family. One of the parents is a Christian - a very new Christian. The other is lost. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to minister and convict and draw this soul to Christ.
Precious Lord, may I keep my hope, trust and faith in you. You are my Lord. You are my Savior. You are my comfort.
In His grip of grace,
Why Listen to Jesus?
2 months ago
One of the women in my Bible study group [tonight] lost her 9 month old daughter [her youngest of 7] the week before my husband went to glory. She shared tonight in our group how JESUS was her only haven - her refuge - and her very strength. She began a 'grief group' after that tragedy which still meets today in her church basement once a month - reaching out and helping others who need to find the Savior's refuge and help as well as hope to go on. How? One step-at-a-time - and one day at a time and only with Jesus going before them.
Looking unto Jesus -with you- for this family - that His good will prevail!
Looking Upward and Choosing JOY,
Oh... I do agree with you. It seems to be the unthinkable. Yet, Jesus is good all the time.
Lord, I ask that You would be this couple's everything: their comfort, peace and strength through this most difficult time.
With love,
Oh Beth, I'm so sorry for your friends. I have already started praying. My heart breaks for them, for their sorrow, but I also know that little baby is in the arms of Christ at this very moment.
My heart hurts as I read this...I can not imagine losing a child! I think of how Steven Curtis Chapman and their family had to endure this just recently, too. And only by the Grace of of our precious Savior can anyone continue on after a death of a child.
Praying that God will be ever so real now to this couple...and may the unsaved parent find Christ through all of this.
Praying for this family - that they will never lose sight of God's presence and love in the midst of the horrific pain and loss.
Oh, that is unthinkable pain, I cannot even imagine! I am praying hard for this family and lifting them up into His hands. I am also praying for your hubby and the ither pastor to be given words of confirmation, comfort and peace.
This saddens me, I am praying for the family. As my mother and I just lost my brother, I have watched the pain in her heart, it's only been a year but she still grieves. I too miss him and grieve, It's just something you can't help but do, when you love someone so much.
I pray they will find peace and comfort, I pray that the one that is lost will be touched my his presence. Praying with you my friend.
Beth,my heart goes out to this young family and will be praying for them.
I am so very sorry. I just lifted this family up and will continue to do so as well as your husband and the other pastor that will be preaching the funeral.
God is the healer of our broken hearts. Praying for the peace of God to transcend all understanding.
I love you sweet friend,
This hits close to my home as well, about a month ago a friend of mine, her youngest of 3 was riding his bike just as the sun set. Age 5, went to cross a busy intersection and was hit by a bull hauler. Totally not the driver's fault...dusk, driving the speed limit, a total accident. Pray for this family as well....Dustin & Ivy.
Thank I pray for your Husband and this family right now.
I will be praying for this family. I cannot imagine the loss they must feel.
You are right, Jesus can, when we can't!
Oh Beth, I'm so sorry to hear of this situation. I will be praying for this dear family...and for yours as you minister to them at this time.
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