James 5:16
"Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much."
This prayer request page is a result of the Lord laying this burden upon my heart. My desire is to be an effective prayer warrior and to bring honor and glory to My God. You can leave a comment or click on the button to email me if you would like the prayer request to be private. I will be lifting these requests up to the Throne of Grace on a daily basis.

1. Abby Riggs (Leukemia)
2. Haley Troia(12 yrs old, g-tube surgery & Complications from CF) PRAISE REPORT - Doing so much better -
3. Misty (Infertility)
4. Tess (God's direction- baby?)
5. Judy (cancer)
6. Edie (Illness)
7. Lanie Claire (infant with I.S.) PRAISE REPORT! Doctor's misdiagnosed! PRAISE GOD!
8. Dawn (Injured knee) - 3/16 surgery scheduled
9. Phyllis (Breast cancer)3/6 - didn't get good report - STILL FAITHFUL!
10.Nancy McLendon (Women's retreat 3/14/09)PRAISE REPORT! GOd showed up in a mighty way and lives were changed!!
11.Annette Anschutz (Cochlear implant surgery)PRAISE REPORT! Surgery went great!
12.Beckyjo - finances /decisions
13.Susan Baldwin - fibromyalgia healing
14. Scott Weeks and family (death of wife)
15. Cassie's Family - (young woman with cancer - went Home to Jesus)
16. Little Nathan (infant w/heart issues)PRAISE REPORT! He is home!
17. Preston (little boy with cancer)
18. Carlos Galvan - (brain aneurysm)
19. Billy Howell - (recovering from stroke)
20. Derrell Wayne Harrison - heart - 3/11/09 heart cath - 3 blockages - stents put in and he is doing good!
21. Bryant Fortenberry - (24) - CF patient with serious lung infection - 3/12/09 hospitalized with lung bleeding
22. Avery Grace Akeman - (3 year old) Multiple GI/Blood issues
23. Stephanie Brower - (back/spine issues) - needs healing!
24. Rick (Stephanie's brother) - Needs Salvation
25. Jen - Young woman dealing with depression - needs bondage chains loosed!
How sweet you are to do this Beth. I pray that God richly blesses you as you serve Him.
What a great idea. I love your title, "Prayer Changes Things". I believe most of all , prayer changes me - it changes my heart. May God richly bless your new blog ministry. I'm believing God with you for big things!
Blessings - Lisa
I have been gone since Wednesday and I haven't had a chance to see how Abby Riggs is doing, but please pray for Abby. In case you don't know, she is a little toddler with leukemia and is in a dangerous stage with her treatments.
Bless you for lifting up others!
What a wonderful idea!!!
My requst is this: We are having dire financial issues, we are having to walk away from our home. We are now looking for a new place to live - we have found a house that we love and the rent is lower than even the apartments we have seen. We were approved, but cannot afford to move in as soon as they would like. There is now another offer on the house. We have tweaked our offer to "give" by two weeks - as much as we can possibly go - and are now waiting to see which offer they accept. Please pray that we follow HIS will and that, above all, HE is glorified in all that we do.
Prayer does change things...Do include me in your Prayer Request. I want to be and have what the Lord has planned for me. Many thanks
Boy, did God ever direct me here today!!! I just foolishly blogged this morning about whatever and then made the comment that "I don't think I need to do everything to glorify God. That it's my goal, but. . ."
After you (and He!) showed me 1 Corinthians 10:31 on your blog,
I think I shall go edit my post! Thank you!!!!
Kari :)
I pray for many from the blogs. What you are doing is so GREAT!!! Thank you for your obedience.
Love you friend,
Have a Blessed weekend,
A True servant! Many have been blessed to find you today!
I want to thank my precious Savior for what He did in MY heart and then for burdening my heart for others.
I need to thank Edie for this beautiful Prayer Warrior button, my signature - my new 3-column blog and her sweet spirit! Thank you - Edie.
I got choked up when I logged on and found my prayer page and already prayer needs. I still have tears in my eyes. I desire so much for the Lord to be able to use me and I know I am so unworthy.
I will be lifting these requests up to God DAILY. I have a such a desire to be a Godly, Praying Woman of God. I want this blog to do nothing more than glorify Him.
Please spread the word - I want prayer request and then I want PRAISES!!
Hallelujah - He is Lord.
In Him,
Oh Beth, you are so wonderful...what a great prayer warrior! God knows your heart and you are SO worthy! I know that you follow my blog so you already know, but I have recently started asking friends and family to pray over our issues with infertility. It has been a long eight years and I am ready for another baby - but please pray that we would have peace regardless of God's will for us - we don't know what He wants for us. Thank you so much!
What a blessing that is!! Thank you for offering to pray! I will take you up on that sometime!
This is a great ideal intercessory prayer. May God continue to bless you as you partake on a new journey
Looks like God is using you my friend. I want to thank you also and let you know I did receive what you sent. :) I appreciate it. Have a great week.
I'm not feeling too well. I would appreciate it if you would pray for health and energy. God bless!!
Just e-mailed my request. Love ya, Yolanda
I have a friend Cassie who is 24 and is battling an aggressive form of cancer and things do not look good. My heart is so heavy for this young lady and her parents, Ron and Kathy. They are beautiful people of God. It is so hard to know she is this sick. Thank you for praying, Dawn
Thank you so much Beth. I know that prayer is what has gotten him this far. Please continue to pray that the shunt will start flowing blood like its suppose to. The swelling is going down in his little body. They will monitor over the weekend, then on Monday or Tuesday they will see if the shunt will work. If not then they will put another one in, but they will go through his side this time. I am so thankful for everything so far. Prayer is a wonderful thing. Debbie
Thank you, Beth. Would you please add Carlos Galvan to your list. Brain aneurysm is the need. I'm very thankful for this page, Beth. May the Lord bless as you reach out to Him on our behalf. I will be praying for the other needs on this page as well.
Beth, This is sort of a long post, but I thought it so good, I had to share.
My niece e-mailed this to my son Scott and all of us in the family. It was just special and comforting.
By the way, I somehow lost my blog lkingshthoughts and have started a new one.
Thanks for you love and prayers.
Dear Lord,
Keep me from giving up.
for you know how tired I sometimes get.
and how discouraged.
Encourage me with a new perspective on my circumstances.
I pray that you will help me see
that my present troubles, although they loom big and surround me now like a thundercloud, are short-lived when compared to eternity
even smaller when compared to the glory being produced in me through this very trial.
Keep my eyes there, Lord, on the future that awaits me
instead of the troubles that surround me.
Clouds are everywhere, at every altitude
and it is so easy to lose my bearings.
I don't need to see everything, Lord,
but please, I need to see something.
In your mercy, will you show me something? Please?
Show me something from the Bible,
Show me something from the stories of others
anything to strengthen me for my next step.
Here is a passage from Lamentations 3 that I love so very much, and have prayed it over my life during some very dark days of my own:
Lamentations 3:20-25:
20 I will never forget this awful time,
as I grieve over my loss.
21 Yet I still dare to hope
when I remember this:
22 The faithful love of the Lord never ends!
His mercies never cease.
23 Great is his faithfulness;
his mercies begin afresh each morning.
24 I say to myself, "The Lord is my inheritance;
therefore, I will hope in him!"
25 The Lord is good to those who depend on him,
to those who search for him.
"Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into light." Helen Keller
In Christ Laura King
Salvation of my Dad and two brothers. As well as my two nieces. Thank you!
How can I pray for you, my Friend?
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