God has been so good to me and my family. As far back as I can recall, I have known about Jesus. I was taught as a child about being a Christian and was led by example. I have loved Jesus since I was old enough to love. Many times I have felt like I didn't really have a "good enough" testimony, because I had never experienced some of the things that others had. I realize now that I should be thankful for that. God gave me a testimony of a different kind.
I was healed from asthma when I was 10 years old. I am not talking about just a mild form of asthma, I am talking about a early onset, lung damaging, life threatening form of asthma. I was a very sick child starting from the age of 18 months. I should not be here at the age of 46. But I can testify that through the grace of my Lord and through the mercy that he had upon my life, Christ imparted His healing power on my life when I was 10 years old. I will never forget it. I prayed for healing and I had NO DOUBT that the Lord healed me. I went from taking lots of medication and shots, to taking NOTHING! I went from many visits to the ER for breathing treatments to NONE! Hallelujah!
The power of prayer is something that we can't take lightly. There is definite victory in prayer. I have felt the Lord gently nudging me in these last few months toward being a Prayer Warrior. I wasn't quite sure how to go about it, but then the Lord just showed me a way. His way. This way. He burdened my heart and then broadened my thinking. The Prayer Page is what came of that. I tossed some ideas toward Edie and she just came through like a champ!
If you have ANY needs at all. No matter if you think they are small or perhaps too large. Please click on the Prayer Warrior button and it will take you to the prayer page. Leave a request in the comments section. If you want the request to be private, then click on the email button. I am setting aside a specific time each day to pray for these needs. Not collectively, but individually. Calling out each name - each need. I am preparing a prayer book with the names and needs in them so I can pray scripture pertaining to those needs. I am so excited about what the Lord is going to do! I want prayer requests and of course I want Praises to the King! Our God can do anything. Our God is bigger than our biggest need.
Thank you for each one of you that read this blog. You will never know how you have all just brightened my days and inspired me. I want us to all go deeper. Step higher. Pray broader. Praise longer.

Doesn't the LOVE OF GOD just blow you away sometimes? It sure does me! God IS Who He says He is and He can do what He says He can do! Praising Him with you in this journey together!
Looking UPward and Choosing JOY,
This is so beautiful Beth. I sometimes feel like my *testimony* isn't enough too, but God reminds me that that is a lie of the enemy to silence His children.
I loved your story and I am sure God is going to use you to bless many.
May God grant you the desires of your heart as you seek to serve him fully. May He grant you success as you minister in His name in prayer.
Blessings - Lisa
Wow! Good is so very good! Prayer and faith go hand and hand. faith is something that I've struggled with--- not my belief in the Lord Jesus or my salvation, but in the everyday stuff when trouble lies right in front of your nose is what I am talking about. But, over the last 2 years I know the Lord's been at work in this ol' gal's heart and I'm beginning to take hold and to hold on.... :O) I know He always has a hold on me, but the peace in my heart when I chose to keep my 'hold' is far greater and rewarding.
The Prayer Page is a wonderful Minisrty. The Power of Prayer is unmoveable.
God bless,
ps- happy Birthday Bryton!!
What a great testimony and a great idea. Love your new blog layout too!
I love the ending of your post... I want us to all go deeper. Step higher. Pray broader. Praise longer.
Nice to learn more about you. I have a friend who has always walked with the Lord and was raised in the Church. She used to wonder about her testimony, too until one day her dad reminded her that staying with the Lord and remaining pure her WHOLE life is one of the most unique and rare of testimonies. (I used to envy those testimonies until I too saw how my own life and testimony helps some in ways that others may not be able to and vice versa).
I appreciate your prayer ministry and blog!
Bless you, Beth for your obedience to God's call.
Please pray for me...I am believing for healing from fibromyalgia.
Blessings and joy!
What a testimony! Praise God for your healing! Also, I think the Prayer Page is a wonderful idea. :o)
Blessings to you...
Beth E.
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