As I left there last night I was still just basking in the presence of God and almost walking on air. But I began to think about being a disciple of Christ and how I need to go about spreading the gospel. About witnessing to others.
Witnessing is not just something a Christian says, but what he does.
Our testimony is not always just what we decide to share with others. Our testimony isn’t comprised only of the spoken words of our choosing. In fact, our strongest testimony isn’t about words at all.
Rather it is the unspoken words of our life that are the true testament of who we truly are in Christ. Those unspoken words and actions speak the loudest.
We can form our lives into almost anything we desire through the words we speak. We can become almost anyone we want through the utterances of our mouths.
But those unspoken words that are lived out in our daily walk are the “words” that make the biggest and loudest impact on others.
When our actions live out the gospel that we talk about - then those around us are able to see and experience the truth of our Savior.
“Then their eyes were opened and they knew Him” (Luke 24:31)
Precious Lord, let our eyes be opened to the truth of Your Word. May we not just give “lip service” to your presence in our lives, but may our lives truly be an expression of what is in our hearts.
“This people honors Me with their lips but their heart is far from Me.” (Mark 7:6)
In honor of my 100th post, any comments made from now to Monday will go into a drawing and I have a fabulous bag of wonderful things to give away! If you are a follower, I will put your name in 2 times. Spread the word. If anyone says you sent them, I will add your name again! I may even pick 2 names. It will be worth it I promise!! I love you all so very much. You speak the Truth to me and God is glorified through each of you.

Woo-hoo! I LOVE feeling the Spirit surrounding me - and especially in an environment with music and friends...ahh! That's the way to do it. The service at church causes me to fight back tears of joy each and every week (not easy to do when I am leading praise and worship on the praise team! :o)
Am I really the first commenter? Cool!
Have a blessed day...and thank you so much for your prayers!
Hopefully I'm not excluded since I'm related to the prize giver!! LOL. Just kidding. Can't wait to see you. I love you!!
My sweet Megan,
You definitely aren't left out sweet child of mine! I can't wait to get my arms around all of you!
I'm telling you Sister, that God showed up big and mighty last night in our Community Study Group and now that I know you were praying for me, I have to tell you that He answered MIGHTILY!
Thank you, and congrats on the 100th as I know personally how much God has used you in my own life.
Doing life with you is simply, The Best.
Love ya
thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a great day!
congratulations on #100...
I think it is wonderful to feel God swooshing all around...feeling his presence all around
Thank you for your prayers...I felt grand this morning and even thought...someone's been praying for me...
Tessa :)
Hi Beth! Congratulations! That's a milestone. Thanks for sharing. And I am entering twice. You've got a new follower - Carolina Mama. Thanks for the fun giveaway and the nice post.
Here's for my Follower stats! :) Thanks and God Bless.
H-A-P-P-Y 100th! Your blog just blesses me over and over again! I appreciate your sweet spirit and love for the Lord. You consistently challenge me to walk deeper with the Lord!
Blessings - Lisa
Your post brought so many thoughts! This morning in My Utmost for His Highest the devotion was on making disciples! It went right along with something we discussed at Bible study this week. When you mentioned that your life needs to be reflective of your walk with God, it reminded me, my friend Diane's parents use to say "you may be the only Bible people read, live that way".
It has been such a pleasure getting to know you! Happy 100th post! I am now just over 400! I wondered if I should have a give away for 400, but then I thought, well maybe I should wait until 500, or maybe 450!!!!
Have a great weekend! We are going camping just overnight in our old tent. We have a trailer, but we want to see if we can survive in a tent, jut in case we decide to go our West soon! Have to go cheaply you know! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!
Oh I don't know if I have to tell you I'm a follower or not, but I am ; - )
There is nothing like the Spirit of God ~~ nothing!!! So glad you experienced that last night. Those times are such faith builders.
Have a Blessed weekend friend,
Hey Beth! Thanks for the reminder about your giveaway!!
I follow you and I am commenting now!!! Yeah!!!
I am so excited! I LOVE being in a house of God's people who are full of the Spirit!!
Love when the Spirit moves that way - and wat a sweet admonishment to LIVE the life not just talk about it! We may be the only Bible they ever read, after all :)
Love you!
Congratulations Beth! One hundreds moments of sharing God's grace to others! AWESOME!
This post really speaks to me today. To change lives we must live one not just speak of one!
Grace to you, my friend!
Hi Beth, I am so glad you were blessed during worship. I hunger for God's presence! Can you imagine what heaven must be like?!?!?!
Congratulations on you 100th post!
You know I'm a follower already, right?
Bless you dear!
Congrats on your 100th post Beth! Every word that you share is worth reading and pondering for the glory of Jesus Christ! You are a woman after His own heart! Bless you.
I love surprises too - so as a follower - I'll take whatever chances you give!
Thanks for your continued prayers for my healing! It's coming! soon....
Love, Stephanie
I love this post!!! I could feel the Holy Spirit ministering to you in a real and alive way. How exciting! Thanks for sharing how God continues to be alive and work in your life.
Congratulations on your 100th Post! Wow, I'm impressed.Yes, put me in the drawing!I would love to win something.
Have a Blessed Weekend!
Congratulatons, Beth!
The Lord is indeed good!
Congrats on your 100th post!!
Hope you have a blessed weekend♥
Congrats on your 100th post! I just had my 100th and had a fun giveaway!!
Oh how I love to bask in His presence and His Love!
You're so sweet Beth. Congratulations on your 100th post!
That is true Beth, it is what we don't say that speaks the loudest. It is how we live our lives. What we do to minister to the world. I have learned that it is easy to go to church, write a check, and sit behind a computer. It is very hard to get involved in people's lives. To go to them, where they are. There are times I really don't know what to say or do, and so many times I feel like I have failed. It is the love of Christ that keeps us reaching out to the hurting and the lost. God bless you Beth. Love,Pam
Hi Beth,
I am a newcomer to your blog. After reading some of your postings, I decided that I absolutely have to become a follower. You are so rich in what you share in Him. Oh how I love the Lord so much. I'm looking foward in getting to know you better.
Congratulations on your 100th post. You are a blessing and an encourager.
I certainly love surprises and would be honored to be part of your give-away.
Congratulations on your 100th post!
Please count me in on the drawing.
Your blog is a blessing to me.
Amen sweet friend! Congrats on 100 posts! Woo-hoo! Keep going.
Congrats on 100 posts! You truly do Abide in Christ, because your posts reflect it to be so! I think St. Frances Assi said, "Preach the Gospel to all the world, and if Necssary use words."
What a beautiful and powerful message! Praise the Lord! I stand in agreement with your prayer at the end as well. My heart is to be the disciple that gives GOD the glory for He is indeed glorious! In times like this we have no time for any thing other than giving God the glory and being a living witness for CHRIST.
Congratulations dear sister on your 100th post. You are such a blessing to everyone and I have enjoyed the times the LORD has brought us to each others blog.
You are such a blessing, Beth. Congrats on your 100th post. I don't know if I did a 100th post commemorative - but I did give away a cd to the bearer of the 100th comment. :O)
Count me in on the drawing if its not too late.
<3 ya!
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