My heart is so full right now. I am just overflowing with love for my Savior and for gratitude in seeing Him work in my child’s life.
My daughter, Melissa, is 22 years old and attends college at LSU in Baton Rouge. She will be graduating in May with a biological sciences degree (pre-med). Her desire is to go to medical school next year and then when she is a full-fledged doctor, she wants to go to Africa and work at a medical missions compound. She will be working at this compound this fall for 2-3 months. She has felt the Lord calling her to do this for several years now.
Friday night, Melissa left with a group of around 35 kids from her church and flew to Bolivia, South America on a mission trip. This group of college kids chose to spend their entire spring break ministering to other people. It was Melissa’s first airplane trip and she absolutely loved it! She did NOT get her love of flying from me!
I got an email from her yesterday and she is just so full of excitement about what the Lord is doing through them. She said it was absolutely amazing at how God is working. They have been going house to house talking with people. She hasn’t spoken any Spanish since high school (she is a French minor). Yet, she witnessed to 2 people in Spanish and led them both to Christ! Praise His Name! She said, “Mama, it just had to be the Lord!”
I am so proud of my daughter. She is doing what we as Christians have been called to do. We are to go into the world and be a witness for Christ. To spread the gospel. To minister to those who are in need. To be disciples.
It is so easy to get caught up in our own spiritual lives… Filling ourselves up with the Word. Filling ourselves up with the Bread of Life. Filling ourselves up to the point of overflowing. We can get so busy filling our own selves up that we can then neglect the much needed act of feeding other people that same bread.
My daughter, Melissa, is 22 years old and attends college at LSU in Baton Rouge. She will be graduating in May with a biological sciences degree (pre-med). Her desire is to go to medical school next year and then when she is a full-fledged doctor, she wants to go to Africa and work at a medical missions compound. She will be working at this compound this fall for 2-3 months. She has felt the Lord calling her to do this for several years now.
Friday night, Melissa left with a group of around 35 kids from her church and flew to Bolivia, South America on a mission trip. This group of college kids chose to spend their entire spring break ministering to other people. It was Melissa’s first airplane trip and she absolutely loved it! She did NOT get her love of flying from me!
I got an email from her yesterday and she is just so full of excitement about what the Lord is doing through them. She said it was absolutely amazing at how God is working. They have been going house to house talking with people. She hasn’t spoken any Spanish since high school (she is a French minor). Yet, she witnessed to 2 people in Spanish and led them both to Christ! Praise His Name! She said, “Mama, it just had to be the Lord!”
I am so proud of my daughter. She is doing what we as Christians have been called to do. We are to go into the world and be a witness for Christ. To spread the gospel. To minister to those who are in need. To be disciples.
It is so easy to get caught up in our own spiritual lives… Filling ourselves up with the Word. Filling ourselves up with the Bread of Life. Filling ourselves up to the point of overflowing. We can get so busy filling our own selves up that we can then neglect the much needed act of feeding other people that same bread.

That is so GOD and totally incredible. Thank you for sharing with us (me) today.
Love YOU
What a beautiful testimony of God at work in your daughter's life. I can think of no greater reward as a parent than to see your child walk in God's will! I rejoice with you.
Love and blessings, Laurie
(P.S. It makes me want to go on a missions trip:)
PRAISE THE LORD!!! I'm so encouraged by your daughters life and what an awesome future she has in Christ as well!!!
I'm proud of her too (smile). I rejoice with you for all the ways the LORD is using her precious life for His glory. PRAISE THE LORD!
Ya gotta love seein your babies following Him! That is sooooooo cool!
What an awesome blessing to you...and to her Lord and Savior! I am so proud of her for following her heart - and what a great job you and your husband have done raising up godly children. My prayer is that my son will one day have a legacy of his own for the glory of God! You know, I want one too, but I want it so much more for HIM...and though we will likely never see the impact in THIS world, I pray that my son will reach out to many. What a beautiful legacy your daughter is leaving...already! :o)
That is so awesome Beth! Praise God!!!
I would proud too!
What a beautiful daughter! A mission experience is such an incredible moment in life and to think that this is only the beginning of her missionary journey! Preparing for a life of service to others in medical missions - AWESOME. What grace she is living in the name of Christ!
I am sure Momma is proud - rightly so!
How exciting! The seeds you have sown in your children are bearing beautiful fruit!
Blessings - Lisa
There is nothig like having your children walking by faith with the LORD and seeing and hearing the joy they find when leading another to Christ! Your daughter has the JOY of Jesus written all over her face!
I loved the last paragraph you wrote here - it's full of truth. We need to be reminded that when God fills us up to overflowing - it is for that very purpose of spilling it over onto others.
Looking UPward and Choosing JOY,
[In Flight]
Yessss I can feel your excitement and I am proud of her right along with ya. Thats soo awesome! What a testimony of the work God is doing in your daughter, wowww
For God gets all the glory, Praise his Holy Name amennnnn
keep us updated!!
Have a beautiful and blessed Easter
Hugggsss :)
That is so GREAT!!! Our God is so GOOD!!
What a wonderful witness of the Love of Christ your daughter is giving to those who don't know Him.
Have a Blessed Wednesday,
Beth, how exciting! I pray the Lord bless your daughter in all she does to honor Him!
Blessings to you,
p.s.--my dad would say
"Go, Tigers!"
Your daughters seem like such wonderful young women...I would say they take this back after their mother...God has bless you so much with these girls...but you know that already.
I am proud of her too...I know I would not have even came close to desiring to do this at a young age. I think she is a true woman of God...
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