
Sunday, April 26, 2009

Worship the King!

O LORD, our Lord,
How excellent is Your name in
all the earth,
Who have set Your glory above
the heavens!

Psalm 8:1

As we head into worship this morning I pray that the Spirit of the Lord will fall upon each of us and fill us up to overflowing. May we go to the foot of the cross and worship our King.

The cross of Jesus is the supreme evidence of the love of God. This is where we must focus as we seek to be shaped into the image of our precious Savior. We must keep our eyes fixed on Him. We must keep our gaze on the cross and bask in the love that He shows us daily.

God's love stands when all else has fallen.



Tea with Tiffany said...


Lisa said...

I looked up the root of the word excellent. It means large, very great, mighty, powerful.

To think about His name and the power of His name. One day EVERY knee shall bow and EVERY tongue confess His name above all names! Glorious!

Blessings - Lisa

Anonymous said...

At the foot of the cross my life began, continues and will one day end. Rejoicing in my King!


Dontmissyoursunsetlady said...

The last line of your post just touched me so! How I need to remember that! -T.J.

Yolanda said...

I pray that we always keep eternity on our minds and WORSHIP THE KING!

I love ya!

Beth in NC said...

Amen! Ahhh, it was so wonderful to go to church today!

I pray you enjoyed your time as well.

Bless you!

LisaShaw said...

Praise the LORD and Amen precious Beth. We had an awesome time at church this morning in the presence of our LORD but every day is like that when we keep our eyes/focus on Him. I so appreciate you, your love and your messages. God bless you and your ever growing, beautiful family.


God must have us on the same page again. I wrote about knowing that deep abiding love of God! There is nothing like it that can compare!

Choosing JOY,
[kneeling in prayer]

Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

Amen, Great post.

Anonymous said...

AMEN! Wonderful post!

Warren Baldwin said...

"God's love stands when all else has fallen." Well stated, and something to meditate upon daily.