At one point there were over 50 voices singing to God with all we had "Nothing but the blood of Jesus". It was one of the most powerful worship services I have been in. The presence of God was so present in that place. As we all began to praise and testify in unison, the glory of God just fell on that place so mightily. The Spirit was so thick, that I could hardly breathe. It was just pressing down upon me and it was an absolutely glorious and sweet time with my savior. I bet the top of the gym was just glowing from the outside!
That is what heaven is going to be like. We will experience wonderful, continual worship at the feet of our Lord. We will be in a constant state of praise to our King.
But until that time, the Lord showed me I need to be in a constant state of seeking, learning and renewing. I can't let myself get caught up in the feeling of worship and neglect the One whom I am worshiping.
We have to keep ourselves in a state of ever increasing desire and knowledge to know Him. We have to continue to deepen our relationship with Jesus.
We sang a song tonight that sums it up.
"The more I seek You,
The more I find You.
The more I find You,
The more I love You."
That is my prayer. Oh, Lord, forgive me for not seeking you with my whole heart. Forgive me for being complacent. I want to seek you and find you and love you more. Thank you for loving me and being present in my life.

Gorlious...the song is true.
God Bless you
WOW, what incredible words with heart felt emotion and devotion and ringing with TRUTH.
Love YOU,
"The more I seek You,
The more I find You.
The more I find You,
The more I love You."
What a wonderful prayer to share and TRUTH in the words!! Happy Easter to you and yours!
Hi Beth! Just wanted to wish you a Happy Easter!
Much love to you!
Oh, how I wish I had been there! I could have used some moments of pure corporate worship this weekend. I had some moments, but not nearly enough. Thankful that heaven will hold more than enough to satisfy.
Have a blessed walk of resurrection this week, and thank you for the birthday wishes.
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