I have a new appreciation for our universe. I have a new appreciation for the miracle of life. The glory of God is just so evident in all of creation. He reigns supreme over all and there are so many things that time after time just point to Our God as the Master of the Universe in such undeniable ways it’s hard to understand how anyone can deny His existence!
Just the mere vastness alone of the universe is enough to take your breath away. It is absolutely HUGE and I have just never stopped to really see just how enormous it is. It’s expanse is bigger than our minds can even comprehend. More glorious than our thoughts can even conjure up. More majestic than our imagination can even create. Indescribable indeed. The definition of indescribable is “beyond the power to be able to describe”. Amen and Amen!!
We serve an amazing and an awesome God. He has ordained all things from the beginning. He has measured out goodness to us more than we can even comprehend or imagine. He spoke and the heavens were made. He breathed and the stars were formed. By Him and for Him were all things created. I am nothing on my own. He is Lord. He is worthy.
“When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,
The moon and the stars, which You have ordained,
What is man that You are mindful of him,
And the son of man that You visit him?”
For You have made him a little lower than the angels,
And You have crowned him with glory and honor” (Psalm 8:3-5)
“By the word of the LORD the heavens were made,
And all the host of them by the breath of His mouth.” (Psalm 33:6)

Hubbs and I saw him live a few years ago with Cris Tomlin on the Indescribable tour. Believe you me, as soon as we saw that DD in the store we knew we had to have it. It was one of the most amazing night of worship that I have ever been Blessed to be involved with.
I tell you what Louie Giglio is AMAZING!
He always manages to take what seems complicated and make it so real, so understandable and so easy to apply!
He has so many DVD's, I've seen quite a few (History is a good one too).
I have these two dvd's sitting in my lounge waiting to be watched, but I know the basics of them already, absolutely amazing.
I'm not familiar with him but it sounds like I'm missing something good!
Have you read his book, "i am not, but i know I AM"? Awesome book!
Love ya!!!
PS: I had to delete, misspelled! uggghhh
I did e-mail you my address to the e-mail on your profile page. My name is T.J. Ellis. Thanks! Good post!
Hi Beth, thanks for stopping by. Nathan is doing wonderful. Already growing so much and has his granny wrapped around his finger and anything else I can wrap around...lol...thanks for asking. He may have to have up to two more surgeries, but the Lord is so good to our family. Have a great day. Debbie
Sweet Beth,
Your comments on my blog are always so encouraging. Thank you!
As for the Louie Giglio videos... a friend of mine has raved about those, too! I've got to see those sometime! :)
Those DVD's do sound amazing! You bless me as well with your posts sister! Love, Laurie
I've never heard of Louie Giglio, but it sounds lke I'm missing something big time. I will have to check out the two DVD's you have described here.
I've often thought of the vastness of the great universe when I look up into the skies on a clear night and see so many stars. It is absolutely awesome and does blow me away when I think about how it was all created. How awesome is our God, how awesome. Yes, He is Lord. He is worthy! Amen!
I love your site. I've been on the low side for a little white do to health reasons, but I'm glad I stopped by to visit you here. I thank you for enriching me even more.
SO nice to know that I am in good company with my control-freakitis condition. Not sure if I will ever be fully healed either!
...and I know I mention this every time I visit but I can't help it...your family is absolutely beautiful.
Beth I so agree! I went with my daughters class last week to see "Earth", and I just wanted to stand up and praise God right there in the theatre! He is so awesome and all that he has created so amazing! Anyone who does not see the hand of God in the world is truly blinded by the God of this age!
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