Sawyer Blayne - 4-1-09
Praise God that Sawyer is doing so well! He no longer has to be hooked up to oxygen. He has all the tubes out of him except for his IV. He should get that out either tomorrow evening or Friday morning and then he gets to go home! All of the tests they did for infection came back negative. The doctor said that the 2 factors that contributed to Sawyer's problems were the knot in his umbilical cord and the fact that he got a good drink of fluid on his way out. Ashlie was able to start nursing him today and he is doing great.
I feel like I have been away from blogging land for so long! I promise that I will play catch-up this week. We have had Bryton here with us while Ashlie was in the hospital and you know how busy a 2-year old can keep you. Plus we were going back and forth to the hospital to see Ashlie and let her see Bryton. The 140-mile round trip gets tiring after awhile.
I just want to thank everyone for all their prayers. It made such a difference. I felt such peace and comfort during these last few days.
I will be posting some new pictures of my precious new little grandson. He is quite handsome if I do say so myself!
God is so good.

PRAISE - PRAISE - AND MORE PRAISE for our GOD who is seeing you THROUGH this journey! He is faithful!
I'm so glad I checked one last time to see if there was an update from you! We are all rejoicing with you sweet Nana! My love to your family and a kiss for little Sawyer! Can't wait to see those pictures.
Love and Blessings!
Choosing JOY, Stephanie
First of all let me say Congratulations on your sweet grand baby! I'm so glad that things are going well! How is your daughter now that things have calmed down?
Rejoicing with you!
Praise God! He is our Mighty Fortress in difficult times. I'm so happy to hear of Sawyer's progress and look forward to the pictures!
Blessings - Lisa
That is wonderful news!
Thank you Lord! I know you can not wait until he is home...
Praise, can we ever give Him enough? NO , He is the one that places that PRAISE inside of us. Love to you and praising Him with you,
PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW!!! Congratulations to your entire family.
May the blessings of the LORD rest with that precious bundle of joy!
So glad Sawyer is doing better, look forward to the pics. 140 mile round trip, ya'll have done some driving this week.
You have one beautiful family! Thanks for commenting about my daughter's birdhouse!
Don't you just love that study on Esther? I am doing it as well! I do love me some Beth Moore! She is one of my favorites!
Thanks for stopping by!
PRAISE GOD!! Thanks for the update sister! He is wonderful!
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