Someone once reminded me that worrying does absolutely nothing to change the outcome of a situation, so why do we expend so much energy doing it?
If you think about it, 99% of the things we worry about happening - never happen. But telling someone not to worry, is like telling the sun to stop shining. It probably just isn’t going to happen. People who are worriers are just going to worry.
Unfortunately, I fit into that category. I am a worrier. I know it’s wrong, but I just can’t help it. It is something that I am really trying hard to conquer.
Philippians 4:6 tell us ‘to be anxious for nothing’. Matthew 6:34 tells us ‘not to worry about tomorrow’.
When we worry, we are basically telling God that we don’t believe He can take care of us. We are telling Him we don’t trust Him to provide for our needs.
When the Israelites were wandering in the wilderness, God took care of them on a daily basis. He provided only enough manna for each day. They trusted God one day at a time. God carried them day to day. Moment to moment. Strength to strength.
I doubt if they spent each day worrying about the next days supply of manna. They were satisfied with God‘s daily delivery. They believed God for each day - for each provision. They trusted Him one day at a time.
I want to trust Him like that! I don’t enjoy worrying, but for some reason I have a hard time letting go of tomorrow. I have this need to be in control of events that haven’t even taken place! How crazy is that?
God strengthens us as the need arises. He pours that extra dose of strength into us when He sees that we need it. He provides for our needs on a day to day basis.
We just have to put our trust in knowing that He is in control. He will take care of today as well as tomorrow. He will take care of the “what-ifs” in our lives. If we profess that ‘He is Lord’, we have to get that message from our lips to our hearts. We have to let Him be Lord. We have to relinquish that 'need to control' and stop having a power struggle with God and remember that He is on the Throne.
“Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him for He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7
As I seek God more, I pray I learn to trust Him more. I want to know that He will provide the manna I need when I need it. Then I can learn to live moment to moment, strength to strength, in Christ’s provision.

I am a worrier as well. I pray quite a bit about it.
I'm believing God with you for victory in this area. When situations arise in my life I always try to "remember". Has God provided for my every need in the past? YES! Has He provided for my every need today? YES! Then I pray and visualize putting that person, that situation right into His hands, trusting them into His care. We serve a faithful God! Thanks for joining Saturday Steps of Faith today!
Blessings - Lisa
This is an area where I need much work! I worry also! I know the verses I need to claim but I often forget! Thanks for this great post to see that I am not alone and that God is able! I must relinquish all to Him!
Worry is something that is hard to let go of...I think that worry is something we all need to pray about.
Maybe this is a time to share that confession of being a worrier, so that God can step in and heal us of it...if we will let Him...
Tessa :)
Ps Congratulations...Nanna!!!
I was a BIG BIG BIG worrier built in me from a difficult childhood. It took YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS before that worry spirit was burned out of me and replaced with PEACE AND TRUST in the LORD.
Not that there are not times that I do worry but when I do the Holy Spirit steps in and reminds me that I have absolutely NOTHING to worry about.
I will pray with you in this area dear sister. Your title is awesome: "When God Guides, He Provides". THAT'S THE TRUTH!!!
Love you much. Praying for your family to.
I tend to be a worrier as well, knowing more of the fact that I can't control others, but sad with their response or lack of one. I learned so much from the Patriarch's study, about how women are manipulators and controlers. Which boils down to worry...and that was an ouch to me at that time. Like I said, I've not arrived, but I am much more aware.
I'm sure I have many other areas that need maturity, though I don't think worry is a major stronghold in my life. But I know there are areas where I don't walk in complete rest and trust in the Lord. For instance -- President Obama. Serious concern what will happen in America.
Sigh ... I don't dwell on it, but it is there none-the-less.
Thanks for the reminder that worry is NOT going to change the outcome. I need to remember that as our lives are filled with ups and downs just now.
Blessings, Cindy
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