I spent last night putting the new photos up because as you know, I have a new little grandson and he is so precious! I then had to move the not-so-new ones to a different spot and then find places for the ones that those replaced. A little of my OCD was goin' on about then and I had to stop and take a deep breath and get my game plan worked out! I promise you, I am not crazy...
I just love looking at pictures of my girls when they were babies. I wish I could just hold those sweet babies one more time. Kiss those sweet little cheeks. Kiss those sweet little feet. Oh, to be able to rock them just one more time. I miss those times.
I think that is why we who are grandparents just love our little grandbabies so much. We know just how fast they grow up . We know just how fast time flies by. We know that you can never get these sweet moments back and that you have to cherish them and embrace them while you can.
God has been so good to me. He has blessed me with precious daughters and I praise Him for who they are in Christ and I praise Him that they love me with unconditional love. I have been blessed beyond measure with my precious little grandchildren. They are the joy of my heart. They put the sparkle in my eyes. They give me things to look forward to. I love to hear their sweet voices say 'Nana'. I love to feel those sweet little arms wrap around me in a hug.
If I could do it all over again, I would cherish my girls even more when they were young. I would never wish away their childhoods. I would slow down more and play more and hug more and embrace more. I would be more thankful. I would be more patient.
I think that's why we love to spend time with our grandchildren. It gives us those times back. It gives us the opportunity to hug our children again through their children. We can relive those special times and remember how blessed we were to have the chance to be their parents.
"Children's children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children." Proverbs 17:6

I'm trying to remember words like this from my friends. I have spent most of today doing what my daughter enjoys. We even had a picnic on her playset outside.
I'm the same way -- I can't put away old pictures.
In God's amazing order to life, to allow such moments to savor the joy He gives not once but twice - how wonderful.
I, too, love photos and find it hard to put them away. Goodness, I can look at photos of people I don't even know and get lost in them! *sigh*
You & I are so alike, I KILL hours moving things with really no purpose at all. ocd.
I'm thankful that God saw fit to allow me to be a Grandma. A true blessing to my heart and I love those precious words: Hi Grandma, I love you Grandma.
Not having been a mom this side of heaven, just tenders me to be a Grandma this side of heaven.
Isn't it sad how we do rush through our children's life and then wish for the past! I'm not very close to grandkids so I hold alot of babies at church!
They grow up way too fast. I just wish they stayed little for a little bit longer.
I am a photo nut...framed pictures...all snapshots of life...nothing posed ...all framed different.....What a cute blog...So glad I found it tonight.
I am a new blogger and finding my away around.
I have a great giveaway for April.
You have to scan down to the "Card Box" post to see what it looks like...but it is a $75.00 value....
It was so popular that I decided to give one away each month...For every comment you leave during the month, that puts you in the drawing that many times.....Hope you will visit soon
"If I could do it all over again, I would cherish my girls even more when they were young. I would never wish away their childhoods. I would slow down more and play more and hug more and embrace more. I would be more thankful. I would be more patient." Thank you for sharing that. As a mom with a little boy (on my post you saw:) and little girl, I needed to hear that! Blessings and love!
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