As I read these words in my devotion today, it really caused me to stop and ponder these words and think about it.
Sin entered our world through one wrong choice to follow man's path instead of God's path. Sin entered and has had a death grip on us ever since.
Without God's intervention we would be without Hope. We would be bound for an eternity in hell. Lost and never found.
But through the cross, Jesus overpowered and conquered sin and thus conquered death through His resurrection. Because of Jesus we have hope and we have life. Our sins have been covered by the precious blood of our Lord and Savior.
"Where sin abounded, grace abounded much more." Romans 5:20
Lord, help me to live in more appreciation and thankfulness for what you did on the cross of Calvary for us all. As I seek you more, help me to follow your path and not my own. Help me to flee from the temptation of sin and focus on the restoring power of God's grace.

Blessings as you celebrate Melissa's birthday today and reflect upon that as well as what Christ did for you and I.
I love ya,
I hope you had a beautiful Easter!!!
Happy Birthday Melissa!!
Have a Blessed Monday,
Happy Birthday Melissa. Great post.
Happy birthday to Melissa - and for you, too, Beth! What a great day to celebrate - the day that we get to remember and ponder back on the birth of one of our children. Thank you for the wonderful post - and for your sweet comment on my blog the other day. What a blessing that our paths have crossed...have a wonderful week!
What a blessing your posts are! Happy Birthday to Melissa! Thanks for posting!
AMENNNNNNNN! Great Post!! Love talking about Grace! :)
Happy Birthdayyyy to Melissaaaaa
& Mannnny Moreeeeee
Happy Birthday, Melissa - you've got a great godly Mama!!! Treasure her - as she treasures you.
Birthday Blessings,
I just read a few minutes ago as I finished up my study of David - the one thing that no one could take away from him was his hope.
David said, "But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more"
May we learn from his life and his legacy how to worship and love with our whole hearts.
Blessings - Lisa
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Yes, I would love to stay in contact, we do need to stick together. I believe that I could benefit from your wisdom in raising 3 daughters as PK's and surviving!:)
I would like to put you on my blog list if that is ok?
Your girls are beautiful and a treasure! I hope you had a beautiful Easter as well as birthday for Melissa.
Love in HIM
I'm so thankful for God's grace to me everyday! Happy Belated Birthday Melissa!
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